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A Bag with the Most Powerful Story

" I don't go by the rule book...I lead from the heart,Not from the head" - Diana, Princess of Wales

Growing up I never knew much about Lady Diana. All I knew was "She was people's princess."

and my admiration towards her started when I dressed up like princess Diana for a fancy dress competition at my school at the age of 5-6yrs. (Look at me waving with a style)

Hold on...

My family went beyond and named my little sister after princess's name (Annie Diana)

Could you believe a Royal family member's impact on a family living in a small town, in India.

Man I wish she was alive today...

bet ya...I would have spent my last penny to go watch her any given day...( inspiration for many things)

fast forward,

Before, I started working I use to binge a lot on Netflix. One day I watched couple of documentaries on Diana and I was curious to know more and started my research about her.

She always followed her heart and did what is right for people. ( Man.....ain't that tough for a princess)

while people resumed talking about her from past 2weeks since crown season 4 released.

I was literally going on and on about her for past 3months. (thanks to my husband & my girlfriend for bearing with me- well, you guys have no option)

This Classic bag was launched by Christian Dior in September 1995, First Bag was gifted to Diana by France’s First Lady. and almost immediately writing itself in the history of fashion.

25yrs of lady Dior bag legacy ( Shout-out to that)

Princess Diana loved this bag and carried it everywhere with her and Christian Dior named this bag in Honor of her as "Lady Dior"!

The cannage is insipired by the Napoleon III(First president of France) chair. (Eye balls rolling)

Dior has the best material & craftmanship. Lady Dior bag is made by hand.

Everything starts with manual cutting out of the leather, pieces are assembled, mounded around a wooden form & sewn together with precision.

140 distinct pieces are necessary to make a lady Dior (wow...!!)

For my milestone birthday I wanted to gift something precious to myself and was debating between 2 bags and what best can I gift myself other than this iconic masterpiece that has a powerful story behind.

yes I did it....

"I got myself a Lady Dior " (screaming... screaming....)

While I was debating between white & red. My husband helped me decide to go with red. Here I am. being red my favourite color, & Wore a red dress for fancy dress. I was like YES YES YES....

We don't have a store close to where we live and had to order it online and however, I wanted my husband to be on my side while I place the order (Coz, you know I am spending $$$$) and guess what happened....

To my surprise, my husband said "You got this" and went off (I'm definitely keeping this MAN)

My hands were literally shivering while checking out the order.( Adding a pinch of drama here)

But, I was silently uttering Dear God, Dear God, Dear God....

Congratulations your order is placed....!!


I ended up doing over night shipping (you know I couldn't wait any longer) and wrote a letter to myself (aha...aha.... ain't revealing it)

Can I write this in block letters,

"The First ever Lady DIOR bag I ever touched, Is the one I own today"

I needed to reward myself for the woman I turned to be today.

Remember, Little rewards goes a long way!

Remembering and inhaling for inspiration from the one and only princess I admire the most.


Velvet Hands!


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